Some Basic Stop Smoking FACTS

  • Most smokers want to stop smoking
  • About 90% of smokers cite health reasons as their prime motivator
  • Although financial reasons only are cited by the next group, this group rarely quits smoking
  • 50% of smokers will make at least one attempt to stop smoking each year
  • British Studies show that only about 2-3% of smokers succeed without help

Hypnotherapy has a high success rate: “It is the most effective way of giving up smoking, according to the largest ever scientific comparison of ways of breaking the habit.” – New Scientist v136.

In 1992 New Scientist Magazine published the results of an extensive clinical study on the most effective methods of quitting smoking. By statistically combining the results of more than 600 studies (over 72,000 individual cases) their analysis indicated that single session hypnosis increased a smoker’s success chance by 1000% from 6% to 60%. The study indicated the following success rates for four different quitting methods:

  • 60% – Single session Hypnosis
  • 24% – Acupuncture
  • 10% – Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)
  • 6% – Willpower Alone


Why quit smoking?

  • It is never too late to stop.
  • Every form of smoking, including smoking marijuana, causes lung damage, which will often not become evident until later in life.
  • It is estimated that after the age of 35-40 years, smokers lose 3 months of life expectancy for each year of smoking.
  • Non smokers are happier people in the long term.
  • Nicotine narrows your blood vessels thus decreasing blood and oxygen flow.
  • Nicotine also increases the amount of deposits that build up on the inside walls of your arteries. This increases your blood pressure and can lead to chronic blood clots. High blood pressure and blocked arteries are both high risk factors for heart disease and stroke.

Immediate reasons to stop smoking

  • Foul breath
  • Stained teeth
  • Obnoxious smells in clothes, hair and on skin
  • Reduced physical and exercise performace
  • Reduced sexual pleasure
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Increased heart rate
  • Raised blood pressure and hypertension
  • Financial

Long term benefits include

  • Reduced risk of gum disease
  • Reduced risk of cancer
  • Reduced risk of heart disease
  • Reduced risk of lung disease causing breathing problems
  • Reduced time off work
  • Reduced unhealthy wrinkly skin
  • Reduced risk of ulcers
  • Reduced risk of low birth weights and other physiological damage to babies of pregnant women who smoke
  • As a positive role model for children and young people

Time line of benefits of stopping smoking

  • 8 hours – Nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in blood reduce by half, oxygen levels return to normal. Circulation improves.
  • 24 hours – Carbon monoxide and nicotine eliminated from the body.
  • 48 hours – The deterioration in lung function and greater risk of lung cancer is stopped.
  • 1 month – Overall appearance improves; skin gains healthy colour and shows less wrinkles, further damage is curtailed.
  • 3 – 9 months – Coughs and wheezing reduced
  • 1 year – The risk of a heart attack reduced by as much as half compared to that of a smoker.
  • 15 years – Risk of heart attack now at the same level as that of a person who has never smoked

The Virtual Hypnosis Method

We at Alpha Hypnotics utilize the Virtual Hypnosis® method together with Ericsonian Hypnosis, Ideo-Ego Dynamics® and Emotional Freedom technique.

How is the program different?

The program offered by Virtual Hypnosis® differs in that it delves into both the subconscious and conscious mind and addresses the problem from within. It deals with the reasons why you smoke and helps you to reprogram your thinking about smoking rather than simply trying to deal with the symptoms only.

How long is the program?

You should be prepared to attend for between 50 to 90 minutes as your therapist will  need to conduct tests, obtain details relative to your smoking habits and to initiate therapy. The quit smoking program is a highly successful package incorporating hypnosis and other therapeutic processes.

Most clients only need one session to quit smoking for good!

Call Now – 0408 622 239

Rebecca Ramos
Rebecca Ramos
Alfred is wonderful. I saw him for weight loss and he helped me with so much more than that. In four weeks I lost over 7kg, have changed my relationship with food and exercise, have a clearer mind, feelmuch happier, and have let go of some anger I didn't realise I was still holding on to. I have now recommended many of my friends and family because this therapy is truly amazing. Thank you for changing my life, Alfred!
Georgia Brodrick
Georgia Brodrick
I saw Alfred to recover repressed memories from an extremely traumatic incident. He handled me with care, made me feel comfortable and gave me so much clarity and closure on the incident.I could not recommend him any more, he helped with my healing and growth more than I ever could have imagined!
Maria Natale
Maria Natale
I was so impressed with Alfred. He was amazing and I can’t believe I did not smoke again from the moment I finished my session with him. I was so sceptical as I still enjoyed smoking. It’s been nearly 2 weeks smoke free !! Thank you Alfred.
My experiance with Alfred was amazing. He was very professional and very caring. I was a little sceptical but once I got back into my car the desire to smoke again was completly gone. Thank you
Life Vision Counselling
Life Vision Counselling
Alfred is a very experienced hypnotherapist. Our professional business association spans more than 12 years. Over those years I have referred many clients to him for anxiety, depression, quitting smoking or addictions and for weight management. Those clients have all commented on Alfreds calm and soothing approach and relayed the experience was enjoyable. I highly recommend Alfred for all your hypnotherapy needs.
Nenad Stanojevic
Nenad Stanojevic
Alpha Hypnotics.I saw Mr. Alfred Podhorodecki about issues which I had been trying to deal with unsuccessfully for some time. Alfred displayed empathy and understanding and through his skill and professional approach I was able to bring about many positive changes within myself. Since then, I have excelled.The things that hampered, and limited me, no longer do so.I am grateful to Mr. Alfred Podhorodecki, for his experience, skills, talents in Clinical Hypnotherapy and the many things he taught me to enhance my life.
jo ross-jackson
jo ross-jackson
WOW! I wish I could give more stars! Alfred is awesome!! I came across Alfred through my work and he "challenged" me to try hypnosis...........Its been a long time since I've felt so good both physically and mentally. Highly highly highly recommend Alfred. If you've ever given hypnosis a thought, just do it and this is the place to go! Tell him "jo" sent you ;-)
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